Hello, .dev!
Some examples
- yourname.dev
- youridea.dev
- yourbusiness.dev
Why .dev?
.dev is a secure domain for developers and technology. From tools to platforms, programming languages to blogs, .dev is a home for all the interesting things that you build.
Get an awesome domain
There are a lot of domain choices these days, but .dev is a space dedicated to developers. Get a .dev domain to showcase your projects, documentation, and more.
Get built in security
Your security is our priority. The .dev top-level domain is included on the HSTS preload list, making HTTPS required on all connections to .dev websites and pages without needing individual HSTS registration or configuration. Security is built in.
Build the developer community
.dev is the perfect place for all developers to come together. We’ll be announcing early adopters of .dev soon, so stay tuned and check back for updates.
Who’s on .dev?
Find helpful resources
Arc is an AI-powered remote jobs marketplace for the world's top software developers.
Mozilla - MDN Web Docs
MDN.dev is the developer center for MDN Web Docs, the reference for web standards.
The friendly community where everyone can build the app of their dreams.
Stripe builds economic infrastructure for the internet. Explore demos and tools to see the platform in action.
Slack Platform Developer Tools
Learn all about the helpful tools, libraries, and SDKs built for developers by Slack.
Learn and share DataOps best practices and methodologies to increase the agility and productivity of your data teams.
Build a better Web by learning and applying modern capabilities to your sites and apps.
Did you know that without the right license, software isn't really open source? opensource.dev explains why.
AMP is an open source project to make it easy for developers to build great user experiences on the web.
Puma Webserver
A webserver for the Ruby programming language.
Agile development best practices
Learn agile development practices from leaders of agile development tools.
TensorFlow Hub
Discover, share and download reusable machine learning modules for use with Tensorflow.
More early adopters coming soon
Arc is an AI-powered remote jobs marketplace for the world's top software developers.
Mozilla - MDN Web Docs
MDN.dev is the developer center for MDN Web Docs, the reference for web standards.
The friendly community where everyone can build the app of their dreams.
Stripe builds economic infrastructure for the internet. Explore demos and tools to see the platform in action.
Slack Platform Developer Tools
Learn all about the helpful tools, libraries, and SDKs built for developers by Slack.
Learn and share DataOps best practices and methodologies to increase the agility and productivity of your data teams.
Build a better Web by learning and applying modern capabilities to your sites and apps.
Did you know that without the right license, software isn't really open source? opensource.dev explains why.
AMP is an open source project to make it easy for developers to build great user experiences on the web.
Puma Webserver
A webserver for the Ruby programming language.
Agile development best practices
Learn agile development practices from leaders of agile development tools.
TensorFlow Hub
Discover, share and download reusable machine learning modules for use with Tensorflow.
Arc is an AI-powered remote jobs marketplace for the world's top software developers.
Mozilla - MDN Web Docs
MDN.dev is the developer center for MDN Web Docs, the reference for web standards.
The friendly community where everyone can build the app of their dreams.
Stripe builds economic infrastructure for the internet. Explore demos and tools to see the platform in action.
Slack Platform Developer Tools
Learn all about the helpful tools, libraries, and SDKs built for developers by Slack.
Learn and share DataOps best practices and methodologies to increase the agility and productivity of your data teams.
Build a better Web by learning and applying modern capabilities to your sites and apps.
Did you know that without the right license, software isn't really open source? opensource.dev explains why.
AMP is an open source project to make it easy for developers to build great user experiences on the web.
Puma Webserver
A webserver for the Ruby programming language.
Agile development best practices
Learn agile development practices from leaders of agile development tools.
TensorFlow Hub
Discover, share and download reusable machine learning modules for use with Tensorflow.
Success Stories
GitHub personal website generator
Quickly create your personal developer website with GitHub's API, Jekyll, and GitHub Pages. Just fork and go.
Cloudflare Workers
Cloudflare Workers allows you to build serverless applications that run on Cloudflare's global network of 160+ data centers.
The Node.js Foundation enables widespread adoption and helps accelerate development of Node.js and other related modules.
JetBrains creates software solutions that make developers more productive, no matter what technologies you use.
Niantic Lightship
Get a peek of what's running under the hood of Niantic Lightship and stay tuned for more.
Grow is a declarative, file-based website generator that simplifies site maintenance and localization.
Tilt makes it possible to develop all your microservices locally in Kubernetes while collaborating with your team.
Lodash makes JavaScript easier by taking the hassle out of working with arrays, numbers, objects, and strings.
Flutter is Google's mobile SDK to build beautiful native apps on iOS and Android from a single codebase.
Quickly build powerful CLI tools in Go with Cobra.
RxJS is an open source, reactive programming library used to query, combine, and coordinate events in the browser and Node.
Generic templated configuration management for Kubernetes, Terraform and other things.
Asylo is an open framework for developing enclave applications that take advantage of trusted execution environments.
Cobalt is a cross-platform, high-speed, small-footprint app platform that supports YouTube for TVs.
Skaffold is a tool for easy and repeatable Kubernetes development.
Data Transfer Project
Data Transfer Project was formed to create an open source, service-to-service data portability platform.
V8 is Google’s open source JavaScript and WebAssembly engine, as used in Chrome and Node.js.
Chrome Puppeteer
Puppeteer is a Node library which provides a high-level API to control Chrome or Chromium over the DevTools Protocol.
Perfetto provides performance instrumentation and tracing for Android, Linux and Chrome.
Host, run and scale dedicated game servers on Kubernetes.
Hyperledger is a set of open source frameworks and tools for building distributed ledger and smart contract networks.
More success stories coming soon
GitHub personal website generator
Quickly create your personal developer website with GitHub's API, Jekyll, and GitHub Pages. Just fork and go.
Cloudflare Workers
Cloudflare Workers allows you to build serverless applications that run on Cloudflare's global network of 160+ data centers.
The Node.js Foundation enables widespread adoption and helps accelerate development of Node.js and other related modules.
JetBrains creates software solutions that make developers more productive, no matter what technologies you use.
Niantic Lightship
Get a peek of what's running under the hood of Niantic Lightship and stay tuned for more.
Grow is a declarative, file-based website generator that simplifies site maintenance and localization.
Tilt makes it possible to develop all your microservices locally in Kubernetes while collaborating with your team.
Lodash makes JavaScript easier by taking the hassle out of working with arrays, numbers, objects, and strings.
Flutter is Google's mobile SDK to build beautiful native apps on iOS and Android from a single codebase.
Quickly build powerful CLI tools in Go with Cobra.
RxJS is an open source, reactive programming library used to query, combine, and coordinate events in the browser and Node.
Generic templated configuration management for Kubernetes, Terraform and other things.
Asylo is an open framework for developing enclave applications that take advantage of trusted execution environments.
Cobalt is a cross-platform, high-speed, small-footprint app platform that supports YouTube for TVs.
Skaffold is a tool for easy and repeatable Kubernetes development.
Data Transfer Project
Data Transfer Project was formed to create an open source, service-to-service data portability platform.
V8 is Google’s open source JavaScript and WebAssembly engine, as used in Chrome and Node.js.
Chrome Puppeteer
Puppeteer is a Node library which provides a high-level API to control Chrome or Chromium over the DevTools Protocol.
Perfetto provides performance instrumentation and tracing for Android, Linux and Chrome.
Host, run and scale dedicated game servers on Kubernetes.
Hyperledger is a set of open source frameworks and tools for building distributed ledger and smart contract networks.
More success stories coming soon
GitHub personal website generator
Quickly create your personal developer website with GitHub's API, Jekyll, and GitHub Pages. Just fork and go.
Cloudflare Workers
Cloudflare Workers allows you to build serverless applications that run on Cloudflare's global network of 160+ data centers.
The Node.js Foundation enables widespread adoption and helps accelerate development of Node.js and other related modules.
JetBrains creates software solutions that make developers more productive, no matter what technologies you use.
Niantic Lightship
Get a peek of what's running under the hood of Niantic Lightship and stay tuned for more.
Grow is a declarative, file-based website generator that simplifies site maintenance and localization.
Tilt makes it possible to develop all your microservices locally in Kubernetes while collaborating with your team.
Lodash makes JavaScript easier by taking the hassle out of working with arrays, numbers, objects, and strings.
Flutter is Google's mobile SDK to build beautiful native apps on iOS and Android from a single codebase.
Quickly build powerful CLI tools in Go with Cobra.
RxJS is an open source, reactive programming library used to query, combine, and coordinate events in the browser and Node.
Generic templated configuration management for Kubernetes, Terraform and other things.
Asylo is an open framework for developing enclave applications that take advantage of trusted execution environments.
Cobalt is a cross-platform, high-speed, small-footprint app platform that supports YouTube for TVs.
Skaffold is a tool for easy and repeatable Kubernetes development.
Data Transfer Project
Data Transfer Project was formed to create an open source, service-to-service data portability platform.
V8 is Google’s open source JavaScript and WebAssembly engine, as used in Chrome and Node.js.
Chrome Puppeteer
Puppeteer is a Node library which provides a high-level API to control Chrome or Chromium over the DevTools Protocol.
Perfetto provides performance instrumentation and tracing for Android, Linux and Chrome.
Host, run and scale dedicated game servers on Kubernetes.
Hyperledger is a set of open source frameworks and tools for building distributed ledger and smart contract networks.
More success stories coming soon
Ready to get started?
Find the .dev name you want, and we'll connect you with partners that can get you started.
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